Human rights violations were the most in Myanmar.
Between 2021 and 2022, Forum-Asia said that there were more than 16,000 human rights violations against human rights defenders in 22 Asian countries, with the highest number of violations in Myanmar.
He said that Myanmar is first, Thailand, and India are second and third. The Asian Human Rights and Development Organization (Forum-Asia) publishes a report every two years, and in the report released on June 22, it stated the situation of the past two years.
It said at least 4,450 human rights defenders, Families of human rights defenders, including organizations and communities, had their rights violated.
Instead of talking about each country separately, it talks about what happened in 22 Asian countries.
In other words, at the national level, the rulers and non-governments commit human rights violations.
Pro-democracy activists were the most targeted, followed by women's human rights defenders, who were also reported to have had their rights violated.