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More than 5,000 refugees are suffering from seasonal flu in Demoso and Hpruso

More than 5,000 refugees are suffering from seasonal flu in Demoso and Hpruso

Refugee aid workers told RFA that more than 5,000 war-affected refugees in Demoso and Hpruso townships of Kayah state are suffering from seasonal flu and need medical assistance. Around 3,000 people in DeMoso refugee camps and nearly 2,000 people in the western part of Hpruso Township are suffering from seasonal flu.

A person helping in Demoso said that despite the mass outbreak, there is not enough medicine. "Since the main climate has changed, children and the elderly in refugee camps are more prone to seasonal flu. Due to the battles between the east and west sides of Demoso, the roads are closed. We can't carry anything. In a way, we are solving this problem but there is not enough.”

A person helping in the refugee camps in Hpruso Township also said that due to the shortage of medicines, they are using expired medicines. Those who are helping said that in Kayah State, the military council has blocked the roads, so it is difficult to transport medicine.

According to the United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (UNOCHA), there are more than one hundred thousand (100,800) war refugees in Kayah State. On October 2, UNOCHA stated that despite the urgent need for humanitarian aid for war victims, travel restrictions, conflicts, and floods, natural disasters such as landslides pose challenges in assisting.


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