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More than 500,000 war refugees are in need of emergency assistance in Karen.

More than 500,000 war refugees are in need of emergency assistance in Karen

The Karen Peace Support Network (KPSN) reported on February 27th that there are more than five hundred thousand (530,000) war refugees in the areas controlled by the Karen National Union (KNU).

This increase was due to heavy weapons attack by military council troops in KNU territory in recent months, including airstrikes.

From November 2022 Until February 2023, the military council troops fired nearly 500 weapons and airstrikes (20) in Nyaung Lae Pin District. KPSN reported that 29 civilians were killed in seven drone strikes.

2023 In the two years of the military coup until February, 128,530 war refugees were displaced in That Thong district. 37,453 in Taung Nu district; 142,861 in Nyaung Leypin District; 11,820 in Tanintharyi district; 104,471 people in Phapon district; According to the statement, there are 97,555 in Dupalaya District and 10,000 in Ba An District.

2022 As of August, there were nearly 350,000 (347,533) war-affected refugees in KNU territories, which has increased to nearly 200,000 (185,138) in six months.

In addition, 2022 It is said that there have been more than 10,000 war refugees in Ba An district, which had no war refugees until August.

International non-governmental organizations should cooperate with local social groups to provide emergency humanitarian assistance to refugees. KPSN has also requested the Thai government to allow the refugees to stay and provide them with medical treatment before they can return home.

In addition, international organizations have asked the military council to stop political and financial aid. The statement also called on companies affiliated with the military council to block business and stop selling jet fuel.

Due to the increase in the number of war-affected refugees, it is also written that there is an urgent need for 36 million US dollars for the next year's basic food for one person with a salary of six rice.


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