In Sagaing, which is the most oppressed by the military, homes are being burned down almost every day, and residents are fleeing the war. In addition to setting fire to the local homes, the military council troops destroyed the drinking ponds used by the locals and made it impossible to farm.
About 400 houses were burned in Sagaing Region, Khin Oo Township. In the village of New City, the people who have fled the war have had no water to drink. "The soldiers closed the drain where the mothers drank, so they couldn't work or eat because the water didn't come. The problem was that there was no food or water to drink. The pumps were also burned," said an elderly man from Khin Oo Myan New Village.
Similarly, Sagaing Region, Onn Taw District on the west side of the Irrawaddy River, Water Grass Circuit More than 30 villages in the Sa Daung district are facing a shortage of drinking water, according to people helping refugees. Being far from the Irrawaddy River and not having a river project, there is a shortage of drinking water because the reservoirs have dried up, but help is not coming yet.
"There are more than 30 fire-damaged villages in Sagaing Township. Especially Myingmu and Myoung are especially facing difficulties. There is no problem in the villages by the Irrawaddy River because they are close to the river, but it is difficult for the fire-damaged villages that are far from the river because the water reservoirs in some villages are running out of water this summer. In Sagaing, both the Red Cross and social organizations donate, but they are not able to go 15 miles away from the city.
Currently, in areas facing the run out of water, the elderly and children who drink unsanitary water are often dehydrated and dizzy, and weak, according to residents.
Since the military coup, more than 1300,000 people in Sagaing have fled the war between the military junta and the fighting between the two sides, according to a research group ISP Myanmar.