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The scene of the summit of the G20 or Group of 20

The scene of the summit of the G20 or Group of 20, is an intergovernmental forum comprising 19 sovereign countries, and the European Union (EU) in New Delhi, India. The US President Joe Biden, British Prime Minister Richardson, and President of France Macron are attending.

Today, they discussed food security, concerns about climate change, and reviewed the debt problems of poor countries. India's Prime Minister Narendra Modi said in the conference hall that a joint statement was issued through the talks. Mr. Modi said, “There is good news. It was due to everyone's cooperation and hard work that we were able to issue a consensus joint statement.”

The fact that the joint statement came out on the first day of the meeting came as a surprise to all observers of the G20, including international ones. According to reports outside the meeting room, it is being considered as an agreement between the G20 member countries on the continuation of the Russia-Ukraine war.

According to early reports, there was speculation that India could come up with a joint statement expressing broad consensus on issues of global concern, given the sharp differences among G20 member states. Now the announcement has been made, but the details are still unknown. The Indian government's chief negotiator, Amit Tak Khan, told reporters that there was "100 percent agreement" on development and geopolitical issues in a statement.

1 Comment

Sep 14, 2023

Thanks for this

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