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25 villages in Sagaing have been without electricity for over four months.

25 villages in Sagaing have been without electricity for over four months.

Residents said that 25 villages in Sagaing, Kanbalu, Kyunhla, and Kawlin Townships have been without electricity for more than four months, so they are having difficulties in their daily livelihood.

Electricity has been cut off since March 11, and the residents said that the two villages of Kawlin Township, where the Pyu Saw Hte troops are located, were cut off from the transformer.

Magyikone, Inngoketo, Nyaungkone and Latkhokepin in Kanbalu Township, Aung Chan Thar, Paytapin, Ywarthit, Zambyuyit, Gaungphyu, Panpaye, Thitsaintkone, Kyarinn and Yinntite in Kawlin Township, Taungyarseik, Batinn Thayettaw, Tha Yet Taw, Koak Kokone, Takone, Thanpayarpinsu, Myabonethar, Hlut Tite, Madaung, Swelhle, MyinTharOo, and Aung Yankinywar in Kyunhla and its villages have been cut off.

"Of course, It started cutting from the Kanpauk and Lel-Hla. It will be difficult for the people. Most of them work with this electricity. On this side, there are rice mills, oil mills. They also have electricity. And since this is an arid area, we had to dig a well and drive it with electricity. After driving like that, the places where we use water were cut off, so now we have to rent a generator to use it. 6,000 or 8,000 per tank after paying, there are cases where water is put on. If they grind rice and oil, they have to go a long way."

Out of the 25 villages that have been cut off, the two villages in Kawlin Township, Aung Chan Thar and Paytapin, were destroyed last year in 2022. Since the Aung Chan Thar battle that took place in August, we have not had electricity.

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