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Nearly 30,000 residents of Kanbalu are fleeing due to the army clearing the area.

Nearly 30,000 residents of Kanbalu are fleeing due to the army clearing the area.

According to local residents in Sagaing region, nearly 30,000 local residents are fleeing because the military council army has deployed a force of nearly 300 people in the southern part of Kanbalu Township and is now divided into three columns.

Kha Ma Ya - 361 and Phyusaw Htee joined forces to raid villages from July 7th. Because of this raid, nearly 30,000 residents from more than 30 villages, including Koe Myo, SupokGone, HtanGone, BoGone, East NyaungZin, ZeeGone, Thayet Gaung, ShanTat, ThapyayThar, KyunpinGone and Mezale, have fled their homes.

A resident of Ko Myo said that a military council army column raided Ko Myo village yesterday, July 7th, and burned the houses.

"Around 9:00 in the morning, when they were coming from the north, I heard the sounds of mines exploding near the village. I heard the sounds of exploding mines. I heard the sounds of mines being held by the Pa.Ka.Fa. About half an hour later, I saw the fire in the village. It must have been around 9:30 or 10:30 in the night. They said that the entire south side of the road was burned. In my opinion, there are more than 40 houses. There are more than 40 houses on the south side of the village road."

In May of this year, the village of 170 houses and more than 400 people lived in it and was raided by the military council.

On July 8th, it is said that the Military Council Army columns raided the villages of Chin Myit Jyin village and Thin Bao Kyin on the east side of the Mu River.

An official of the Kyunghla-Kanblu activists' group, which is helping war refugees, said that the locals are sheltering in nearby forests and under trees.

"When there was no such thing as a military evacuation camp on this side. When they escaped from the column, if they had carts and whatever they had to stay with the trees nearby, and in the forest area as well."

Residents who are fleeing need shelter and medicine. He said there is an urgent need for basic items such as food.

An official of Kanbalu Township People's Defense Group (P.K.F.) expressed that they are not yet capable of counter attacking the military council army's clearing of the area due to lack of weapons.

Therefore, he said, when the Military Council troops enter the convoy, they prioritize the safety of the local residents.

"We have the PKK doing these things. The PKK doesn't have the weapons to counterattack them. They only have hand-made guns. Even though the government has provided them, they are not in a position to launch an attack. Because they don't have enough weapons. If they come in hundreds, everyone has hundreds of weapons, big and small. All we can do is guerrillas. The main thing is to make sure that the villages are not burned down and that the people are safe.

P.K.F groups have been obstructing the Military Council's convoys by laying mines and preventing them from attacking, and the circumstances of the military's casualties due to these attacks are not yet known.

After the coup dictatorship, armed resistance has been widespread in Sagaing region due to military conflicts between the military council army and the local civil defense forces, causing local residents to flee their homes.

According to the United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (UNOCHA), as of June 13th, 765,200 residents of Sagaing were forced to flee their homes after the coup.

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