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The Interim Chin National Consultative Council stated as a day to commemorate of Salai Tin Maung Oo.

The Interim Chin National Consultative Council stated as a day to commemorate the 47th anniversary of Salai Tin Maung Oo

He strongly urged that Salai Tin Maung Oo Commemoration Day be held every year throughout the Union of Myanmar.

The Interim Chin National Consultative Council (ICNCC) issued a statement today marking the 47th anniversary of Salai Tin Maung Oo's commemoration.

In the statement, the overthrow of the military dictatorship, It is stated that all those who are participating in various sectors in various ways for the construction of a federal democratic union should take the words of Salai Tin Maung Oo to heart and move forward.

Salai Tin Maung Oo is a Chin University student leader, and his action to defy the military dictatorship is not only for the Chin people but also for the citizens of Myanmar. It is stated that everyone who defies the military dictatorship deserves to be set as an example and respected and recognized, so it is stated that Salai Tin Maung Oo Commemoration Day should be held every year throughout the Union of Myanmar.

As Salai Tin Maung Oo bluntly told the military dictators who were preparing to hang him, "I will never kneel down under military boots. You must want to kill my body. But you can kill my body but you can never kill my belief and what I stood for," the statement said.

As long as the military dictatorship is not ended, the citizens of Myanmar, including their people, have freedom, ICNCC also stated in a statement that there is no situation in which justice and security, and peace can be enjoyed.

On June 26, 1976, student leader Salai Tin Maung Oo was brutally hanged by a group of military dictators for his defiance of the military dictatorship. Today marks 47 years.

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