The military council of the coup fired heavy weapons in the villages. 4 religious buildings were damaged, 1 child was injured, and about 1162 people were forced to flee for their lives because of the heavy weapons loaded with drones.
KNU-Karen National Union, Kawthoolei Administrative Area, Brigade (3rd) of Kha Lel Lui Thuong District; Heavy weapons from the military coup army were placed in the villages of Mu Township. Three (3) religious buildings were damaged due to heavy weapons being fired by drones, and about 1162 people had to flee for their lives.
On March 17th, 2023, at about 4:30 in the morning, a clash between the military council of the coup and the joint forces of the Karen National Liberation Army (K.N.L.A.) Brigade (3), Battalion (8) took place between Tho Ni Gone Village and Say Pale Village.
After the clash between the two forces, the coup terrorist military council fired (42) large weapons, and the large weapons that were fired were (3) in the village of Tho Ni Gone village, (30) in the field outside Tho Ni Gone village, and (9) in the west of Say Pale village. As a result of the shooting, the religious building of Boe Pike San (Bra
masco) was damaged.
Then, at 8:50 a.m. in the morning, the army of the military coup dropped four (4) large weapons on the Yay Lel (Burma) monastery, destroying the roofs of the monastery's canteen and monastery.
Due to the firing of heavy weapons by the army of the coup terrorist military council, the local people had to hide in the bomb shelters nearby, and they had to flee for their lives. There are a total of 219 houses and 1162 people in Tho Ni Gone Village and Say Pale Village.
Similarly, last March (14th), Kha Ma Ya- (60) led by the coup terrorist, Zay Yar Lin Oo, military council from Nya
ng Gone village, fired (6) large weapons into the village of Yay Lel (Karen).
The heavy weapons fell near the Christian church in the village, causing some damage to the roof of the church, and a 4-year-old boy who was attending a summer school, Naw Htet Htet, was injured by the heavy weapon's bullets in his thigh.